Dr. Franklin Luke

Executive Leadership, Coaching and Health Entrepreneur

Husband, Father, Passionate Entrepreneur, Executive Leadership Coach, Trainer, and Marine Corps Veteran


I help men/leaders fuel their bodies, reduce stress, have more time and energy for their families, and lead their businesses to new heights. By elevating the sickened, sad, and decaying state of Health and Leadership.


I am on a Mission to build healthier male leaders. By re Igniting your adventurous spirit, rebooting your warrior's heart and rewiring for a focused mind. So that you become the Spartan Leader in your life.

After leading Marines in combat situations, founding and leading a successful health clinic, and investing and advising in two different fitness businesses. I am taking all my education, life, and business experiences to Coach, Educate, Teach, and lead business leaders in the combat of life and business.

Top skills and Services

Leadership coaching • Business Strategy • Public Speaking • Strategic Planning - Team building


Executive Coaching and Leadership
Emory Executive Education | Goizueta Business School | Emory University

Doctor of Chiropractic

Cleveland Health Sciences

BA Clinical Psychology

University of North Carolina Wilmington